Rest But NEVER quit :)

What an adventure this last month has been. From visiting family and friends in Toronto to a couple of amazing work weeks flying… I am exhausted. this week has been spent catching up on lots of much needed sleep. through all this craziness I managed to sneak in a trip to Vegas for a divorce party .  I have been traveling and on the go so much this month ,that Nutrition was a big… huge… fail … 🙁 . I tried my best, but I am transitioning into a new lifestyle so its not second nature to me yet. I feel I need to make some sort of a written plan, whether its a schedual, or some sort of agenda to keep me on track.

This month I felt very lost and overwhelmed by how I will implement all these changes in nutrition into my life. If I was home every night, this change would be so much easier. I would be home and the simple things like the grocery store  being close by would make it no problem to find healthy food, but with travelling it can be very challenging to get quality foods, especially since I don’t have a car of my own when I am away for work.  I have two challenges, first, how do I create an environment in my home that promotes heath and wellness, and sencondly, how do I bring this lifestyle with me on the road when I am away from the things that I conviently have access too when I’m home.

The other day I was at the grocery store and I was shopping for food to take with me for work. I was going to be gone for 5 days so shopping a little before hand saves me money. I felt so lost and overwhelmed… I feel like I have to watch my back now when I shop and at times I become very resentful because of it. during these time I feel that I should be able to walk into the grocery store and not question if my produce is gmo or full of cancerous pesticides.  If I choose the wrong item then I could be consuming Gmos and all sorts of awful poisons that can harm my health. Angry because corporations  are getting away with creating bads foods.  Our leaders, whether our government or who ever, are allowing these businesses to hurt us because of money. Even baby formula contains harmful chemicals and gmos.  Organic healthy food should be all that is provided for us and It should be affordable for everyone. It’s wrong. .but we are purchasing these items and as a result , they can sell them. We are partly responsible because we choose to support these corporations. My new thinking is If I cant afford good food one month that’s ok, so Instead I can avoid to purchase bad food. I don’t have to spend my money on processed foods either.

During this visit to the grocery store  I didn’t care what I bought. I grabbed salads to go, hummus and vegies and a bunch of other things I thought were healthy. I was exhausted and at that moment I didn’t care if these foods had GMOs or what was wrong, I was too exhausted to figure it out.  shopping is tricky because how am I supposed to know what I will feel like eating two or even three days from now..  I shopped, pack my lunch kit, and that was that .

After my stretch of time away for work, I came back and snapped out of  this funk , and decided to accept the reality .. (I go through my phases ) during this month I have been researching the benefits of a raw food diet, and lifestyle. I have also been researching the science behind the PH miracle.  Ph miracle is a preventative measure to take to keep your body in an Alkaline state. The research has proven that Disease cannot exist in an alkaline environment, and disease forms and thrives  when The body is too acidic. Its really amazng stuff. I have found a cancer prentative smoothie I want to try. Alkaline water is another study I have been reading. Trying to figure out how to drink alkaline water at home and at work ( good luck to me on that one  ). I will figure it out.

So Here is my goal to me. To create healthly living at work and at home. Smoothies are healthy for you and I have increased the amount I drink so how will I pull this off on the road? Enjoying fresh healthy smoothies  with me on the road. how many times a week can I aim to have them while at work?, and how when I don’t always have booster or jugo juice around?. How will I eat fresh and healthy foods while away?.

I will have to figure this out day by day. It seems hard now because It has not become a habit yet.  Change is always tricky once your trying to figure things out. But once these changes become familiar It will become second nature and It will be worth it. Until then I will be cursing while stumbling across all these changes.  This Month has been spent visiting, partying and researching. now Its time to start Implementing these changes. I’m very excited to make this cancer preventive smoothie . This smoothie is very powerful and Alkalizes your body.. yay.. I will keep you posted with how it goes and I will provide the recipe!!! Here I gooooooo  talk to you soon!!!

ps. there is an amazing Ap called Buycott. Its free. This app can be used in the grocery store when shopping. To use it, you scan the barcode of the item you are considering to purchase. Once you scan this item the app will tell you if this company supports GMO or not. Once you scan and find out, from there you can decide if you want to use your purchasing  power to support the Company or not. If we stick together and stop supporting this injustice then corporations will have no choice but to stop. They cant hurt us if we don’t let them, and we can change things if we all stick together.  hope you enjoy this useful tip!!!! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Rest But NEVER quit :)

  1. Thanks for sharing Nan!

    Stay focussed on what you DO have control of and take one meal at a time, so you are not overwhelmed. I like the APP info you provided and I am with you 100% on forming a collaborative effort in pushing back to the power heads in the world…it gives us a “voice”….keep writing!!

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