Monthly Archives: September 2019

The Enchanting Cafe and Book Store by the pier

A short Story……


The smell of Morning coffee filled the air in this Lived in tree house where four lovely ladies who were more like sisters than friends had slept . Elsa, Siera, Sabrina and Natasha were about to experience a vibrant day full of love, laughter, Mystery and adventure on Salt Spring Island. The rooms they slept in were cozy and filled with love . The silence of the morning allowed the sound of the wood burning fire place to comfort their souls as they gently woke in their warm beds from a sound sleep. Today was going to make for a great day. The sky was grim and rain was in the forecast but the day felt mystical, light hearted and exciting . The ladies shared their morning coffee on the balcony that Overlooked the ocean up high on a stunning Mountain top . This House that was built amongst the trees was breath taking. The Ladies Enjoyed the warmth of their aromatic hot cup of coffee and listened in stillness as the smells and sounds of nature took over.

Before they knew it, it was time to venture off to an Alchemy Farm where they would explore the sound vibrations of one of the greatest gifts that nature has to offer us; flowers. The ladies were about to listen to the vibration of energy that exists within flowers.  A women who owned this intriguing sound garden was named Isla. Isla would introduce these ladies to the energy  frequency these flowers vibrated  by translating  the  energy frequencies  into sound . Isla seemed like an Earth Angel to the ladies and she greeted them warmly. Her blond hair shinned and her warm smile  was filled with joy when she saw them. Isla welcomed the ladies with a warm and loving hug and was eager to introduce them to her Beautiful sound garden . Isla had taken pride in the fact that in just a short time she had been able to create this Flower Haven that has been a sustainable environment for her friendly pollinators. There was so much life in this beautiful and colourful sound Garden.

The ladies headed into this mystery garden with curiosity that filled their hearts. The Sound garden was filled with an abundance of colourful and fragrant Flowers. The energy in the garden was calm and energizing. Being around all this life energy lifted their spirits and strongly connected them to the Earth . Each flower bed the ladies listened to produced a different melody. Elsa and Natasha danced to the music these flowers made  like mischievous little children, while Sabrina and Siera souls took to the garden like they were home.

Together the Ladies laughed at the somber sound vibrations that came from a  flower named Lucifer. The song was dark unlike the rest of the flowers and with the sound of their laughter they all agreed together that the dark sound matched the name of the flower perfectly.  The time in the garden passed by so quickly as they laughed and played inside the tall flower beds . The garden brought out their inner child and in that time for them there was not a single care that existed  in their world.

The sound of their laughter carried throughout this garden as they enjoyed this joyful experience and  the sound vibrations between the ladies and the flowers in this healing garden became reciprocal . As the visit sadly came to an end the ladies recognized how much lighter  their souls were  than when they had originally walked in. The  connection they felt  to this vibrant nature brought them the confirmation that we are meant to thrive here in this life and that  a deeper meaning exists to being here . The experience of being able to hear the frequencies  of energy in these flowers through sound suggested to them that there might be more to this life than what  can be seen with the human eye. There is another world that exists amongst us and if we decide to believe it, then we will see evidence of this.

The Ladies left this healing sound garden with a deep longing to return . Isla sent them off with a message for each of them with her oracle cards. The readings that came from Islas  Oracle cards was just the beginning of what these ladies would uncover for themselves surrounding their lifes purpose on this day. So far the day brought them excitement, mystery and hope. This day would lead them onto a path where the truth would not be possible  to ignore anymore. The Ladies headed on with their day and had no idea what was waiting for them once they reached the cross roads at their next adventure.

It was time for the ladies  to leave this mystical island and head back home.  With a set of new eyes created by their experience in the magical garden, the  ladies  reached the pier where they would wait for their ferry boat to arrive and head home. The ladies were ahead of schedule and realized they had time to grab something to eat. They had not eaten much that morning. They had  a fair amount of time to have something to eat before the ferry was scheduled to arrive.


Off in the distance, Elsa noticed a cafe that was  warm in appearance. This  Mystical cafe and book store was enchanting  and you could see in the distance that warm white smoke was coming from the chimney. The ladies were  drawn to the warmth and welcoming  vibe that this magical looking cafe gave off.  The smell of warm homemade bread lead them closer as they walked  towards the unique looking  cafe and book store. The ladies were taken back at how extraordinary this  cafe appeared. The outside structure of the cafe  was built of cement in the warm colour of  midnight blue that also had a comforting warm purple tinge to it. The outside walls of the cafe were designed with creative drawings made up of half moons  in a deep rusted yellow and mustard matt colour combined with the contrast of  bright sparkling white stars, making the cafe and bookstore even more magical up close. This cafe was special and something remarkable was about to happen once the ladies entered this extraordinary establishment.

The sound of wind chimes traveled throughout the room as the ladies walked through the entrance  that was made of Beadedstring bamboo wood curtains.  The ladies looked through the ceiling  and saw Live and vibrant artistic drawings of nature. There existed drawings of soft blue magical birds, trees and majestic fairies . Small areas of the ceiling were made of glass and the ladies were able to see the white clouds in the sky as they looked through the glass past the ceiling.  As they glanced around at the cozy room they could see pillars made of bark that were earthy and deep rich brown in colour  through out the room. It was as if the trees were growing in this room ,and suddenly the ladies felt as if they had just become part of an enchanted forest. The room smelled of fresh morning rain from all the live plants that stood tall everywhere and this gave the room a comfortable coolness and fresh feel.  There were fluffy emerald green and mustard yellow couches all over the room with round wooden tables giving the space a homie feel. The shelves were filled with intriguing Books that looked as though you could escape into another world when reading them. The sweet smell of the burning incense calmed the room and was uplifting. The ambiance was made with Birch bark candles that lite the room with a sense of spiritual mystery.

In the other room they could see a bright and beautifully lit  wood burning fire place that lead them into the kitchen.  The ladies now filled with hunger walked inside the room where they were met by a mysterious looking women by the name of Lilja. Lilja  was extremely curious about their arrival and began reading them. She spoke to them as if she had known them for years, and carried herself  with a look of a mysterious knowing ,as if she had hidden information to share with them . This room was warmer than the room located by the entrance  and the smell of a cozy wood burning fire traveled throughout it.  Lilja welcomed the ladies as she stood over her deep burgundy clay cooking pot that sat over a wood burning stove. The comforting sound of the boiling water rose and she cooked her healing chicken noodle soup over the steam. The smell of  this healing soup embraced their souls as the fragrance from the fresh spices soothed and calmed their hearts.

Lilja knew she had special information to gift them and the Ladies could tell by the expression on her face that she had been expecting them.  Time stood still as they remained present in the company of this mysterious women. Liljas dark black pinned straight hair added more mystery to her and her clothing resembled that of a powerful enchantress. She expressed how humbled she was to meet them and asked if they were prepared for the full moon that was coming within the next few days. This Moon is bringing an enormous  healing for you along with magical gifts she told the ladies . The Ladies have all been living in a place of searching within their lives presently ,and they were looking for a higher meaning and a deeper purpose. Lilja Knew that the ladies were searching for meaning  so she began to disclose the information she had for them in more depth.

This life is meant to be lived with an open heart filled with fulfillment and meaning. You must follow the path that lights you up inside she continued. Fear is not real and disguises itself as reality but just as the famous saying goes, fear is false evidence appearing real. Don’t believe the emotions that tell you that you need to run and hide from who you truly are for those are false stories that were created by you to try and make sense of the pain.

We never have to fear losing love as long as we nourish and appreciate it. We must live with an open heart and be brave enough to be our true selves. Never be afraid to be unloved for who you are because if the love is real then it  will never die. Love may change forms and grow ,but real love will always remain when it exists in its pure form. Loved ones may swerve off onto another path that is different from yours and you may have to go your separate ways from those you love but the love between you will always remain if it was true. You don’t need to be what others want you to be in order to be loved for Love exists within itself. It either exists between two people or it doesn’t so you must not measure your self worth based on whether or not someone loves or approves of you for this story is untrue. You can’t force love to happen so if  love is not reciprocated to you then don’t let that minimize you or make you feel less than. In this case  Love yourself  first, Love them anyway ,and move on. She began to clarify that she was referring to all forms of love whether it be between lovers or relatives, whom ever it may be with.  She wanted the ladies to have a true understanding of how important it is to live life with an open heart and to embrace all forms of love that honour your wellbeing . Life is not what happens to us she continued but is what meanings we give to our situations when we create our stories based on our life experiences.

The world needs you to step up and honour your purpose. Come alive inside and walk in the knowing that we are here to learn lessons and to grow . This message frustrated the ladies and it met them with a bit of resistance. There was a lot of forgiveness that needed to take place inside their hearts before any of this could become possible. None the less the ladies decided to continue listening to Lilja with an open heart.

Lilja continued and expressed to them that the pain they feel is valid and very real but that there is a message inside these emotions that must be faced and is not to be feared. Our Emotions are our compass she explained ,and it is where our true guidance lives. In order to access this guidance you must live with an open heart. A closed heart blocks our knowing as to why we are truly here. The ladies laughed to themselves as they remembered that they were originally here to eat. This remark  brought  them some comic relief from this overload of meaningful information. Lilja looked at the ladies with a playful amusement and she understood how all this information could have been too much for them to digest all at once.

Lilja continued on saying , embrace all your emotions because even the difficult ones have something very meaningful to tell us. If we can remain still in our discomfort of them long enough to just listen then we will find the answers we are looking for.  Let go of the expectations that others have placed on you for your reasons for being here are not based on filling the empty needs of others. Trying to live life by living up to the expectations of others would be considered a path of  self sacrifice and is not necessary. This path will lead you astray. Others are more than competent of solving their own matters themselves and it is considered to be a great  disservice to them for you to take their life lessons away from them by trying to save them.

Be an example of a life that is heaven on Earth and demonstrate that a creative and fulfilling life  is possible and the rest is up to them. Don’t carry the burdens of others because they don’t belong to you. Loving them and praying for them is enough. The world is experiencing  a desperate  time of  deep separation and is in dyer need of healing. Remember that we are not here on this Earth for eternity so don’t build your life as if you will be here forever , for one day we will exist in another realm once our spirits  have left our bodies. Break free from the blind folds that have been built in our minds and embrace your inner knowing of who you are and why you are really here. We are not here to just pay bills and exist; for all this, one day ,will be gone and you will take none of your possessions with you.

Love  yourselves and nourish your souls unapologetically in all the ways you are craving and fill yourself up so that you are able to give of yourself happily. The gift of giving is sacred and is a treasure to be cherished and celebrated. Don’t allow anyone to convince you that the life you dream of is not possible for that is a reflection of their false beliefs within themselves and is not the truth of what is in fact possible for you. Failure only exists when you give up for even if you don’t achieve the exact goal you set to begin with , you will still end up a lot further than where you started. Making this critical decision to try will always move you closer  towards your higher purpose. Be flexible, shift , make positive changes, rest but never give up.

Be of service to this world. The ladies laughed to each other and whispered “oh is that all” sarcastically suggesting that her message would be simple to follow.  Lilja understood the overwhelming affect that her message brought on the ladies and it filled her with the light of laughter. They all shared in this laughter that brought them a moments relief.  Lilja finished by telling them that they are not failures but  are merely learning. We are all sharing hard times here and we are all have fears and life lessons to experience and overcome. The quickest way to overcome a shattered heart when life throws hard times our way is to dive into a purpose that is helpful to others who are in more need  than we are. A reason to go on that is bigger than you.  Always be kind because we don’t know what other people like us are going through. A small act of kindness can have an enormous positive rippling affect.

She challenged the ladies to commit to a new beginning as this Full moon approached . This Full Moon would cleanse the pain of the past and bring forth new beginnings for them. The Ladies remained still as Lilja words sank deeply into their hearts. In this moment it became clear that  it was time to make meaningful changes in  their lives. Lilja could see that the ladies had heard enough of her message for the time being and knew that more information would not help them and would only overwhelm them so much more than it already had.

Lilja offered the ladies a warm bowl of her healing and fragrant chicken soup. Liljas voice brought them back from their deep thoughts, snapping them out of the blankness they were staring ahead into. They all happily agreed. The ladies sat in silence as Lilja placed these colourful bowls of warm soup in front of them and  they simply  sat there and observed the warmth that was rising from the flavourful looking  rich broth. The soup was the perfect temperature of warmth and was soothing to devour. The warm flavours opened their taste buds  perfectly as they enjoyed  the flavourful chicken broth. With each spoonful, the healing soup brought  comfort to their souls. The ladies were all in their own world as they enjoyed their meal. They remained silent but stayed connected. The last bite was so satisfying and then it was time to go.

The Ladies expressed their gratitude towards Lilja for all the time she had given them and for all the loving messages. The ladies promised her that they would commit to learning about their lifes purpose  and would learn what it meant. Going forward , they would create  higher meanings for themselves as to why they are here. Lilja was overwhelmed with Joy about hearing this declaration and knew that the ladies would follow through on their promises

Before they left Lilija reached over and gave each of them their own special sand dollar that she had collected from the sea. On the back there would be a small message written  that is different for each of  them behind each sand dollar . We are all here on this Earth for a greater purpose no matter how big or small. One purpose is not more important than the other and each of us holds a strong significance for being here .Ones purpose can be as simple as a small act of kindness each day, such as holding a door for another person or by giving a warm smile to a stranger. Your purpose does not have to be a business or a huge purpose that reaches the masses or it might be. Either way You will know your living in your purpose because acting on it  will fulfill you within your heart and soul. You will know when because time will stand still. As you live in your purpose you will know because you will be practicing it with joy and fulfillment . Trust yourself and your inner guidance to lead you there. Follow your inspirations and joys that live within you and trust these emotions when they come from a place of wellbeing and love because this is  your true guidance communicating to you . We are urgently calling all people to live out their lifes purpose now and we need to wake up to the fact that we only have a limited amount of time here to do so. Lilija instructed the ladies not to read their messages on the back of their sand dollar until they reach the pier and were by the water where they were set to leave. The ladies were excited and accepted Liljas gift with love and gratitude. Lilja sent them off and she felt accomplished and fulfilled in the work she had done with them .

The ladies were giddy and full of laughter as they rushed to the pier to read their messages.  They could see their breath as they laughed and they felt a comfort breathing in the air that  smelled of fresh rain . They felt as if they had just experienced being in a time wrap of some kind that stood still in space and time. They could not describe it. Perhaps they went into the future or entered some sort of vortex .

Filled with curiosity and excitement the ladies finally reached the pier so they could read their messages on the back of their sand dollars. They were by the water and were surrounded by the smell of fresh salt that was coming from the sea ,and they could feel the warm wind that revitalized them as they stood in the freshness of this salty air.

Siera looked at hers first . She flipped her sand dollar over and on the back it read. Forgive yourself for you are here to help heal, and you are so loved.  In this message Siera realized these life experiences that she has had  were meant to prepare her for helping others. Her experiences made it possible for her to relate to the healing of those lives she is here to help in a loving and compassionate way. Without these experiences she could not be able to relate to these people with the same depth and understanding.

Sabrina went next and her sand dollar read : you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Trust yourself . Sabrina realized how lost she had been and in that moment she knew that no time in her life had been waisted after all. She had realized that everything in her life had taken place at the right moment and right time as life had intended to be for her. She promised herself that going forward she would live her life to the fullest and that she would not let anyone convince her that how she was living was wrong ever again.

Natashas  message read you are already free. You’re limited only by your mind.  Natasha realized that she had been free this whole time. She had to mend her broken heart and was being held back by her fear of the unknown. She promised herself that she would be brave going forward in the face of the unknown and that she would get comfortable with being uncomfortable so she could live her life being free. That if she loved herself then it would be enough for now, and that everything will soon fall into place.

Elsa was so intrigued by her soul sisters messages that she couldn’t  wait to read hers, but when she reached into her pocket she couldn’t find her sand dollar. Elsa became worried that she had dropped it  along the way and without hesitation she turned the corners and ran back to the enchanted Cafe and book store.

Elsa ran hard with every last breath. She was so focused on where she may have dropped her sand dollar that she  wasn’t paying any attention to her surroundings. She didn’t notice at first  that the Mystical Cafe had become very different in appearance. When she finally looked up her heart sank in disbelief. The Magical cafe and book store was now just an ordinary looking cafe. She looked around in doubt that maybe she had pin pointed the cafes location incorrectly, but when she looked around all she saw were shops and restaurants near by. The enchanted cafe and book store was nowhere in sight. Elsa decided to walk inside this cafe anyways because she needed more evidence to confirm this disbelief that the cafe had just disappeared. This was impossible she thought to herself.

The inside of this  cafe felt  warm and friendly and smelled of old paper books but was completely different from the enchanted cafe and book store she had just spend so much time in minutes ago.  The cafe  was clean and modern looking with an up beat vibe, and had Basso Nova Jazz music playing in the background . She felt good in this place but it was nowhere near as incredible as the Mystical Cafe book store from before.

She walked into the other room where she had first met Lilja but she was gone too. Instead there was a friendly Gentlemen by the name of Jack who greeted Elsa with a smile as he was steaming warm milk for his customer who was in line. Jack told Elsa that he would be with her in a quick minute and that he was just finishing up. Elsa scanned the room and sadness came over her for the loss of this magical cafe and for the fact that she had misplaced her sand dollar. She had lost her important message. She told Jack that she was just looking at the menu and that she was fine. Just as Elsa was about to head for the door she looked down and turned to her feet. Her Sand dollar was right by her on the floor and with excitement she picked it up. She thanked Jack for his time and ran back to the pier to reunite with her friends once again.

The  other ladies were now in view as Elsa stepped back outside again and at that moment they also became aware that the Magical cafe and bookstore was no longer there. They were in just as much shock as when Elsa had first learned herself. When Elsa caught up to them she told them all about her experience in the new existing cafe and book store and then she opened her hand to show her friends her sand dollar. The ladies all laughed in amazement , excitement and disbelief confirming that what they all experienced together in that enchanting cafe and book store was real.

Finally Elsa looked at her sand dollar to read her message. Her sand dollar read: Remember who you are and Embrace  your calling. Elsa reflected on this and acknowledged to herself that there had been a knocking on her soul for some time now and she had not yet explored this calling.  It wasn’t that she failed to consider this knocking but that she was filled with content and joy overall  with her life that she didn’t feel that the knocking needed immediate attention. This new information brought her excitement for a new beginning and she felt assured that she would be dropped off at a better place in life than where she was left off. After listening  to Lilja she began to be filled with hope that life may be working for her after all and not against her. A flood of possibilities rushed through her heart and it made her feel safe and taken care of. For first time in a while Elsa believed that her life would make sense once again soon.  Elsas heart was filled with so much joy that she found her message, and she held her sand dollar close to her heart with so much relief and gratitude .

The trip home was silent for the ladies as they had much to think about . It was time for great changes to take place  in their lives and after the experience they all shared together on this mystical day, they all realized that there was no turning back now. This day that was full of knowledge , excitement and mystery that  had changed them forever.  Finding purpose could no longer be ignored. As they boarded their flight they thought about how reality would hit them once they would start their day tomorrow. The loudness of the world would come back, the emails, phone calls, demands, and they knew they needed a plan and a commitment to stay on track. In the cruise portion of thier flight the moon shined in from the atmosphere and into the Airfract. They were captivated  by the moons beauty and saw it in a different  light than they had seen it before. They felt cleansed  in this beautiful moon bath and they felt grateful to have shared this remarkable experience with each other.

They landed home in Paris ,and with heavy hearts they began to say their goodbyes to each other.  A new beginning would start the following day and they didn’t know where to begin. It takes courage to live out your lifes purpose and this path will bring up strong emotions of  fear for the unknown and heavy uncertainty . There would be no road map for them for they would have to create this life for themselves , but they were grateful that they didn’t have to go about it alone for they had each other.

Together they made a commitment that each day they would act on one small inspiration and follow the joy that lives in their hearts no matter how big or small. They promised that they would let their inner child live in them forever and to always remain curious and playful.  Also, to grow , learn and create a life that reflects the love that lives inside their hearts, and to be brave with whatever was thrown at them. They promised to make their life about something else besides themselves and to be of service for a greater purpose somehow no matter how big or small. They agreed that who they were as people was enough, and that all their efforts were enough . They embraced each other good bye with so much love and excitement and then they went off in their separate ways.

Elsa walked to her car with a smile that filled the lot as the light of the moon shined on her whole heartedly . The night was cool and dark and she felt grateful for all that she had. She appreciated this night and as she looked up into the nights sky she saw a bright shooting star. The star was one the brightest and biggest stars that she had ever seen. She made an empowering wish and opened her self up to receive this cosmic blessing.

The following day would swat them in the face as they woke but they would be ready. They would move forward carrying this experience with them in their hearts and this would keep them strong for no one could take what they had just learned away from them. This experience belonged to them and they would hold onto the faith  that there is more to this life then what they had been previously taught. They were convinced of this now and they were certain that they would find meaning . They would detach themselves from the life as they know it. Their new life had cost them their old one ,but they were willing to let their old life go. One small act of kindness at a time would make them more familiar as to what purpose lies within their soul. Acting on every inspiring thought based on love would lift theirs spirits more and more each day. Every new day would bring on a whole new insightful meaning as to why we are truly here. The days of just existing aimlessly ended on this new day and Just like that a new life purpose was born.



This Short Story is dedicated to my partner in crime and Loving Friend Ashley. I wrote this story from the heart for you. Thank you for giving me the idea to write this shorty story and for inspiring me to do so. You are always by my side and believe in me no matter what. You never judge my crazy ways and you make me laugh so hard. You are one of the greatest friends a girl can ask for and I am grateful for you. I am glad we became closer than work acquaintances . Hope you enjoy this story .Love you.