Reflections of a Life on hold

If you are alive today then you are like me self isolating at home with the rest of the world. I have just finished my 14 day isolation, been Laid off from my dream Job, and it happened literally what felt like over night.

I pass the time Meditating, writing, reading, talking with friends, watching Netflix, and trying to remain hopeful that life will return back to normal soon. I wake up in the morning and It feels like someone has punched me in the face. I try and keep a positive mindset by listening to positive pod casts, taking courses,  learning  and the only expectation I have  is to do the next best thing for myself each day. 1 small thing is enough to keep going. One day at a time.


I am so grateful that we have internet because this allows us to keep in touch with each other. We can play virtual board games with friends and family through out the world. Netflix has shared Viewing so you can watch movies together with loved ones. This is a huge positive for us. We have Tic Tok ,Snap chats and all sort of Other platforms that keep us laughing and our spirits up. Imagine if this Pandemic happened before the internet? this would have been a lot harder for us.

We need to come together and help each other pull through this. Many Acts of kindness are being spread. People bringing people groceries and care packages to people in isolation awaiting to be tested for COVID-19. Gratitude ! So much gratitude and love is being expressed to our health care workers, Flight attendants bringing Canadians home safe, Police officers, Paramedics, Grocery store clerks, Mechanics, All essential businesses. These people have all showed up for us when It is safer for them to be home. There are no words that can express the gratitude.

All of this change and loss has me reflecting on what really matters in life. so many things that we took for granted, things that we thought mattered but now doesn’t seem to matter all that much. I want to keep trying and to keep aiming at living my best life but something has shifted. What is a strong foundation to build on going forward? we still need to look after ourselves but do we need the big house and fancy cars? not that there is anything wrong with this but all these things seem insignificant now. what will the world look like in another 8 to 10 years? do we keep building a life as usual when it all can just be taken away again over things that are beyond our control? The answer is to keep going and keep living but maybe the with a new focus around what really does matter. It seems to make more sense now to follow our inspirations, follow what really makes us happy. There was an article I read that was based on regret in life. They asked a number of Elderly people what their top regrets were in life. One of the top regrets was that they wished they had the courage to live the life that they truly wanted for themselves and not cared so much about living up to the expectations of what other people have placed on them. Now is the time to start exploring what our authentic life looks like. Once the world gets back to normal ask yourself  where was the one place you have always wanted to go? What about something you have always wanted to learn? Are you willing to break free from your fears and do that one thing you have always dreamed of doing? even if it is doing it in baby steps?  Do you wish you could do more for someone? or spend more time with someone? Is there a career you have always wanted to explore? If money was not an issue what would be the one thing you would love to be doing? Life is not meant to be about just working and paying Bills.

We don’t take any of these possessions with us when we die and everything can be lost over night anyway. There were never any guarantees in life we’ve always known this so we need to re build anyway, and we can’t just give up or quit, but lets not fall back asleep into a life on Autopilot. Don’t put your bucket list on the back burner anymore. Maybe instead of building our bucket list around our life maybe we are better off building our life around our bucket list instead?

Today what got me through the day was doing an act of kindness for a friend. I was evaluating how unfulfilled I have been in my life. Some call the place I am in The Dark Night of the soul. Where you have achieved most of what you wanted but are not fulfilled. I have been told that this place is the ultimate failure.  I have achieved almost all that I have ever wanted. There is still much more I want to achieve and many people have achieved a lot more than I have. I never really wanted for much , but I have achieved what I thought would make me happy only to arrive at this place feeling so unfulfilled and not having a clue why. I  reflected today and was able to achieve some awareness which is positive so I can make changes and heal accordingly. What saved me today though was doing something really nice for a really special friend who is like a sister to me. that helped me get out of my head and into my heart space. Living with an open heart is key. By doing this act of kindness today I got a glimpse of what it means to live a life that is bigger than you. Oprah and Many of the greats ask God to use them for a bigger purpose. A purpose that is bigger than them and to use them for the greater good. That Is the kind of life I want to make. A life based on a purpose that is bigger than me. To add value in peoples lives and to do my small part in making this world a better place. This is the only life that makes sense rebuilding because in the end of all this madness all that we truly have to count on is each other.


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